History Carnival #108-April, 2012

Side shows at the Vermont state fair, Rutland (LOC)
Image from the Library of Congress Collection

Welcome to the Carnival!*

In the spirit of April 1st, I’ve sought out blog posts from the last month** that celebrate the foolish, the topsy-turvy, and the quirky.  Blog posts that stand historical truths on their head, or at least gives them a little shake.   No clown noses. No mean tricks.  No whoopie cushions.  Unless, of course, they’re historical whoopie cushions.


Past Imperfect rehabilitates the barbarian’s barbarian in Nice Things to Say About Attila the Hun

The Tenement Museum puts the pickle in its place in Salty, Sour and Controversial.

Stephen Cromack proves that Frodo is a Confucian hero in The Confucians Who Saved Middle Earth

Two Nerdy History Girls are a constant source of quirky delights.  In one of my recent favorites, they overturn The Myth of the Regency Sylph

Got Medieval, another personal favorite, debunks a popular  historical myth in Ring-a-Ring O’Rubbish

Streets of Salem offered an amusing selection of Green Men, medieval to modern, in honor of St. Patricks Day.

Beth Dunn muses on tight pantaloons and The Turn of the Leg.

Brushing Off the Dust tells us how to exercise like a Viking.

Frog in a Well considers the topsy-turvydom of Unesco as a cultural arbiter in the context of Japanese cuisine in Credentialism and Other Modern Traditions

Caroline Shenton tackles the complex question of how much a pint of beer would cost in The Timetravelling Beer Drinker

Vaguely Interesting looks at the unexpected names people give to different types of bread, including Devil’s Fart Bread


As an extra, two great blogs that transform the idea of history blogging:

Phoebe Spanier’s delightful Mirror Sense, an illustrated novel set in Paris and Venice in the the 1660s accompanied by a blog giving historical context for the novel.

Alison Taylor-Brown tells the story of sixteenth century Europe from the viewpoint of one of it’s important figures in Wolfgang Capito’s View.


Next month’s History Carnival will be hosted by Rachel Herrman at Not Even Past.  Get in line for the ride.


*Some of my regular readers may not know about the History Carnival:  a traveling road show of blog writing about history.  A different blogger hosts the carnival each month.

** Okay, I admit it.  I’ve included  a couple of posts from January and February that I couldn’t resist.


  1. Phoebe on April 1, 2012 at 12:03 pm

    I’m honored that you included Mirror Sense in this fantastic list of blogs and blog posts about history! I’ve gained some excellent new reading material.

    • pamela on April 1, 2012 at 12:05 pm

      Glad you found some things to read. I love Mirror Sense.

  2. Wolfgang Capito on April 1, 2012 at 2:10 pm

    By the Muses! Capito offers you the thanks of Briarius to Zeus (or, as Plutarch might say, of the old man to Pyrrhias) for including my blog in this list. I am soon to move to Basel, where Erasmus and Holbein labor for good letters and art. What a fortuitous year is 1515.

  3. Donna Seger on April 1, 2012 at 7:08 pm

    Thank you so much for including me and my men!

    • pamela on April 1, 2012 at 7:31 pm

      Donna: I loved your inclusion of the walk sign. I’ll never look at the traffic signal the same way again.

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